Neil Leifer was born on december 28th 1942 and is still currently alive.
Neil Leifer's style of photography is sports photography.
In 1966 during the heavyweight title fight he placed a camera in the rafters in order to catch the shot of the victor knocking his opponent to the canvas.
Neil Leifer worked for both sports illustrated and time magazine.
Neil Leifer uses both the A7rII and the Rx100IV and the Vario-Tessar T*FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS Lense
Neil Leifer does not use a specific lighting because his photography takes place in all sorts of locations.
Leifer was introduced to photography through the Henry Street settlement house which offered free photography classes to the poor children of the neighborhood.
Image result for neil leifer photosImage result for neil leifer

Before this project I didn't know who Neil Leifer was but now Neil Leifer maybe one of my favorite  photographers. All though I did not know the name Neil Leifer  Iv seen many of Neil's famous photographs. I like the fact that he uses all sorts of diffrent angles and that he photographs some of my favorite sports and sports stars. 


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